


当クラブでは、平日 第2、4、5水曜日の夜に1時間の日本語の部と、1時間の英語の部バイリンガルでスピーチと論評を行います。





今後の活動予定はMeeting Schedule pageからご確認ください。




国際生物多様性の日(International Day for Biological Diversity)










【例会日】 水曜日 (毎月第2、第4、第5) 詳しくは、例会案内ページを参照ください。

(c) 2013 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club
The names “Toastmasters International”, “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.



今夜の進行役、TMOEは、ちょうど1年前に入会してから大車輪の活躍のTM MK。準備万端のノート片手に初の司会、1つ1つ丁寧に確認しながら進めて行きます!



準備スピーチ#1 「2万字の壁」TMHH [6’04”]

数年前に大学院に通っていたTMHH。文章を書くことが苦手な自分がどうやって論文2万字の壁を乗り越えられたか!? 気鋭の教授の示した斬新なトレーニング方法を公開し、イメージを共有してくださりました(かこさとしさんの絵本を使ったトレーニング、楽しそう!)。俯瞰するとヘンリーフォードの格言にも通じることにも気付いた驚きも!!聴衆の関心にマッチして有益な、また落ち着いて自然体のスピーチでした!


ワイン好きのTMNSですから、いい雰囲気でワイン指南のスピーチが始まったかな?と思わせて実は、、、我らがPathways教材にバッチリ沿ったCommunication Style分析のスピーチでした。Style別に何と、カリフォルニアワインの薦め方を相手に合わせて実証実験したTMNS。結果は…!お薦めポイントの挙げ方や語彙に洒落た工夫が凝らされた、楽しいスピーチでした!

総合論評はTMSO。初めての大役に終始謙虚すぎる様子が何ともユーモラスで愛されキャラ!それでも論評者への論評はgood pointsを拾って鋭い着眼点を示していました。冒頭で聴衆に“温かい空気”を要求する技、真似てみたい!

<English Session>

The Word of the Evening were “Innovative” and “creative”. Dual member’s dual WotE!!

Prepared Speech#3: TMKY ”Turning Pages, Turning Lives”

 The Story related with his long journey on reading books since his childhood (dark period!?), and it leads us to the heartwarming world of his storytelling volunteer days for kids as father. His picture-book-reading performance was so nice! And it turns him realize his cherish memories with his elderly Mom who have to be deeply thanked. So precious story and moving speech!

Table Topics Master TM ON

As we’ll have GW holidays soon, he researched about National holidays and his topics were showed with it,

Q1: Which is your favorite national holiday?

A1: TMMA: The mountain day. Because she has good memories of mountain climbing in summer. But she recommends the day have to be moved August11th to July 21sth or around, because the sun shine just after rainy season is the most beautiful on the top of the mountain. [1’45”]

Q2:Which national holiday do you eliminate?

A2:TMSE: Nothing, we Japanese should be rest more and more against their tendency. Eliminate… the Showa-day?  His opinion is to add 5 more national holidays for Japanese people, spring, summer, autumn, winter and 1 more(Reiwa-day!?). [1’49”]

Q3:Add more national holidays in June and December!

A3:TMTM:Nothing. Because June is the rainy season, we can’t enjoy going out, and December has Xmas and New-year-end-days, and off course we’re too busy. If he adds a National holiday, he selects on November 23th…It’s… his birthday! [1’15”]

Today’s GE, TMSO He was too shyly again, but thanked each role takers, TMOE MK, and our Vice President of Education, TMON who assigned this big role for him! Warm atmosphere was in full bloom at the meeting room in Curian!

Lastly TMOE MK summarized this valuable meeting on award ceremony luxuriously with her deep tone! Even though it was her first role, she prepared perfectly and created this inspirable and punctual meeting. And she said later she widely noticed a lot by driving our regular meeting as TMOE. Many thanks!

Best Table topics Speaker: TMSE

Best Evaluator; TMKM

Best Speaker: TMHH, TMKY

Congratulations!!Reported by TMMA


Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4


【English Session】

TM SE shared a word of the evening: “Genial”

■Prepared Speech #1 “Laughing by the Entrance” by TM MK (Time 7:11)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv3 Elective Project: Know Your Sense of Humor

TM MK presented the speech in a usual calm and confident manner. TM MK used Japanese saying “Warau Kadoniha Hukukitaru” as a trigger and transitioned the speech to the story about a rather embarrassing hot spring experience when TM MK mistakenly used the wrong “entrance” to the public bath. TM MK shared that the relaxing moment turned into some very awkward and embarrassing experience.  The way TM MK structured the speech to include surprising turns made the whole speech very humorous.

<Evaluation for Speech #1> by TM KY (Time 3:17)

TM KY shared 3 good points and one suggestion. TM KY pointed out that the well-thought speech title was very effective, and unexpected turn of the story was good as well. TM KY also mentioned the choice of words were effective. TM KY suggested that TM MK may consider including some additional twists to the story, which may bring additional laughs. TM KY also included there were some unclear words due to the poor NW connection.

■Prepared Speech #2 “Hammered down or Greased?” by TM HA (Time 7:17)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv2 Understanding Your Communication Style

TM HA talked about different communication styles and suggested that as TMs, we should master all sorts of communications styles, including facial expression, use of vocal variety, and gesture to match the purpose/intent and given situation. TM HA reinforced his suggestion by pointing out that different purpose requires different communication styles, and different cultures have different preferred communication styles. As always, TM HA delivered his speech in a very confident and direct manner.

<Evaluation for Speech #2> by TM HH (Time 2:38)

TM HH shared that the level of the voice/tone was just right for the topic. TM HH also pointed out that the use of vocal variety and gesture was very effective, and the facial expression created a good impact to the speech as well. TM HH mentioned there was no negative points found in the speech.

■General Evaluation by TM JS

TM JS provided general evaluation with usual energetic style.

For first evaluator TM KY, TM JS pointed out that it was good to focus on positive side of the speech since positive feedback is usually more effective. He also added additional good point to TM MK’s speech that using word posters to support the speech was very effective.

For second evaluator TM HH, TM suggested that when you cannot find any negative points about the speech, maybe TM HH could try looking at something to add to the speech, rather than something to change.

<By TM NS>


今夜の言葉はTM NSによる “寛容な”

準備スピーチ#3 : TM KM (時間 7:03)




準備スピーチ#1への論評 : TM AO (時間3:08)


特別プロジェクト : TM MK



特別プロジェクトへの論評 : TM MA (時間2:56)



総合論評 : TM JS


Best Table Topics speaker: TM NH

Best Evaluator: TM MA

Best Speaker: TM KM


Cheers, Scribed by TM NO & YU


参加者 会場:12名
定刻通り7:00pmに、本日不在の会長にかわってTITMC副会長のTM ONさんが開会を宣言されました。TMOEはTM NKさんです。
今夜の言葉は「昇華」との通達がTM NHさんより示されました。

++準備スピーチ#1  TM TMさん   (time 6分48秒)
Pathways: コンテストスピーチなのでパスウェイによらない
タイトル 今更の「ありがとう」
TM TMさんの上司のエピソードについてでした。上司とのランチのエピソード、その上司のお通夜のエピソード、そして上司の人柄についてというストーリー構成で話は進みました。今更ながらの上司への恩義について気づき、ありがとうに気づかずに年を重ね、タイミングを失う。陰ながらありがとうと言われるような人生を歩むことの大切さに気づく。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM SOさん  (time 2分42秒)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv3 Connect with Storytelling
++準備スピーチ#2 TM MKさん  (time 7分01秒)
タイトル 「3月の奇跡」
去年の3月、品川区の広報を読んで、TITMCに入会したTM MKさん。当初のTITMCのイメージ、「硬そう」。しかし、エレガントなネーミングに惹かれました。おしゃべりに興じる若いOLのコミュニティと期待。ドアをあけて、ビジネスマンらが座っている風景にびっくり。入会の決めては、会員が発していた論評の時の言葉遣い、その表現に憧れて入会しました。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM YUさん (time 3分06秒)
良かった点として、スピーチ目的が達成されており、聴衆が話についていくことができた点です。TM MKさんの個人的なストーリーが最後まで含まれていました。2点目は時間内に必要な情報がピックアップされてスピーチがまとめられていた点。3点目は前向きな姿勢。気づいた点は、最後のエンディングでなにか意外性があるのではないかと思いましたがそうではなかった点。

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv1 論評とフィードバック(最初のスピーチ)
++準備スピーチ#3 TM KYさん (time 6分46秒)

タイトル 「地上の星」

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KKさん (time 2分41秒)

++総合論評:by TM ON
TM SOさんへの論評:具体的な論評をされていた。審査員の属性が不明ななかで、テーマを選んだといったところがよかったです。
TM YUさんへの論評:最初にいったことを最後に再登場させるという論評はよかったです。TM Kさんへの論評:画面から見切れている論評はよかったです。今夜の言葉「昇華」、難しいと思ったが皆さん、使いこなされていたのはよかったです。

[ English Session]
The word of the evening was “Flesh out” shared by TM NH.
Flesh means “meat”. Flesh out is to add more details of something. Japanese has similar

++Prepared Speech #4 by TM AO (time: 6m 40s)
Manual: Presentation Mastery
Project Lev#1: Researching and Presenting
Title: “Anatomy of a Laugh”
TM AO shared the feedback from last time. He counted the feedback from judgement sheet
as follows.1 st topic result: Funny Joke 9,Not funny 1,I didn’t get it 1
2 nd result: Funny 4,Not Funny 6,Ididnt get 1.This topic was his original one.
3 rd result: Funny 5,Not Funny 4,I didn’t get it 2 .This joke is from Kenji Miyazawa.
4 th result: Funny 8, Not Funny 2, I didn’t get it 1 . This joke required Japanese character
knowledge to understand.
5 th result: Funny 6,Not Funny 3, Ididn’t get it 2
6 th result: Funny 5, Not Funny 3, Ididn’t get it 3.
7 th result: Funny 5,Not Funny 1 , Ididn’t get it 5
Joke is a wonderful way to break the ice, but sometimes it can backfire. For example, Will
Smith’s slap at the Oscars is a perfect example of how a joke can backfire.

Que sera sera、なるようになるさ。について。息子が高校受験。親としてすごく心配。毎日のようにQue sera seraと言いながら、日々を過ごしていました。希望通りに言っても行かなくてもなんとかなるさ、ということで気持ちが楽になりました。別のフレーズで、なるようにしかならない、というのがあります。こちらはなんとなくネガティブ。そのため、なるようになるさ。のほうが、ポジティブな表現でいいなと思いました。この3月にて、皆さん、新しい職場や役割が与えられることがあるかもしれませんが、なるようになるさで。

The Evaluator was TM KM  (time: 3m3s)
TM KM mentioned some good points and suggestions. For instance, Engagement
audience, Easy to understand and so on. On the other hands, mentioned suggestion points
such as no use of visual aid, etc. In whole, the story was infused with humor.

++General Evaluation: by TM ON
He mentioned thanks to Speakers and Evaluators for their initiatives.
To KM, He mentioned that she captured well the essence of the unique story, pointing out
good points and suggestions.
He mentioned that meeting is well-organized, though topics were heavily biased towards
< Award>
TM MK and TM KM were awarded a prize.
The Best Speaker: TM MK
The Best Evaluator: TM KM

Business Session:
Induction Ceremony:
Today, Mr. Tan joined TITMC as a member with an unanimous vote.
Tan-san said that this is my third time participating. Both Japanese and English are
foreign languages to me, but this year I will challenge myself to improve my English and
Japanese skills and my presentation skills. I am looking forward to participating in future
Mentor of Tan-san is TM JS.
Reconfirm from TM KM:
English area contest will be held at next time. I appreciate your supports for the contest.

by TM HH


[ English Session]
The number of participants Meeting room:7  Online:6   Guest:1   
TITMC President TM MA declared the meeting open on time at 7:00pm.
The TMOE was TM HH, and this was his first TMOE since joining TITMC.
The word of the evening was “Turning Point” shared by TM ON.

++Prepared Speech#1 by TM MK (time: 6’52”)
Title: “An apple to Share”
TM MK gave a heart-warming speech about her husband’s positive changes through his
illness. Her husband was the quintessential 1970’s company warrior and proud of it. Her
husband dedicated his life to his company, rarely took vacations, and prided himself on his
toughness. However, when he became ill in his 50s, he had to undergo rehabilitation such
as military-like training and even tried music therapy. Her husband did not surrender,
became available for help, showed a positive attitude, and grew. She is proud of such a
husband. This story is an apple that can be shared.

The Evaluator was TM WE (time: 3’38”)
TM WE mentioned some good points as follows:
The speaker’s face lit up when she was giving her speech, entertaining the audience.
There was an improvement in vocal variety compared to the first speech. From the content
of the speech, the audience could sense that the speaker was proud of her husband. Her
husband’s example of challenging spirit was empowering to the audience. She ended by
saying that she can’t wait to give her speech at the upcoming area contest.

++Table Topics: by TM MA
Table topics Master TM MA prepared four photos. Each speaker selected one of the photos
and improvised a speech expressing their mood for the day. The Table Topics speeches
are as follows:
TM NK gave a speech related to family circumstances. His daughter has a high school
entrance exam this year. She passed the entrance exam for a private high school, but the
results of the entrance exam for a public high school are not yet available. TM NK said
humorously he wanted more light until his daughter’s result became clear. (time: 2’08”)
TM YU selected a photo of a person holding his head. TM YU gave a speech humorously
saying that the stock he had recently purchased had gone down in price. (time: 1’00”)

GRAHCO’s report was done by TM KK
There was no filler word and no one used “turning point”, which wase word of the evening,
in the session. Interesting words were “company worrier”, “never surrender”, “public school
and private school”

General Evaluation was done by TM KY
TMOE HH performed the first TMOE with great success. For example, he made a
chocolate joke about Valentine’s Day. TM MK gave an almost perfect speech. Evaluator’s
TM WE did a deeper evaluation with a positive and uplifting tone on TM MK

TM ONから、今夜の言葉は、English sessionと同じ「変わり目」と紹介されました。

++準備スピーチ#1  TM NKさん   (time 7’05”)
Pathways: Engaging Humor, Lv3記述的言語の使用
タイトル 「いつもの!」
「Hey, master. いつもの!」という勢いのある入り方でスピーチを開始。食事に言った時、ついつい定番の食事をオーダーする自分と、その一方、オーダーをなかなか決められない同僚と奥さんの対比をし、自分の方が食事を楽しんでいないことに気づき、いつものオーダーをする自分を変えていこうとのこと。食べ物に関わらず、「いつもの!」を止めて、新たな発見、チャレンジを呼びかけるスピーチでした。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM AOさん  (time 3’33”)

++準備スピーチ#2 TM NSさん   (time 6’31”

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv1 Evaluation and Feedback
タイトル 「今 ここ」

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KAさん  (time 3’37”)
良かった点として、間を入れながら、ゆっくりしたスピードで自信を見せながら話をしており、聴衆に安心感を与えることが出来ていたとの指摘。改善点として、リモート参加のため、アイコンタクトが十分でなかった事、オープニングの音叉の音がNoise reduction機能で聞こえなかった事の指摘が有りました。

++準備スピーチ#3  TM KMさん   (time 6’55”)
Pathways: Leadership Development, Lv2 Managing Time
タイトル 「3月13日にむけて」
3月13日のエリアスピーチコンテストのコンテスト委員長を任されているTM KMさんの思いの表明のスピーチでした。ご自身の仕事の経験を活かしながら、自分なりに目標を設定し、じっくりと取り組んでいくつもり。一人では出来ないので、役割分担をお願いし、スケジュールを作成、連携を取りながら進めていきたい。他クラブのサイトを見ることで新たな発見をしている。など、ご自身としても学びの機会として、小さな転機にしていきたいとの、意気込みをかんじさせる内容でした。3月13日のエリアコンテストが、ますます楽しみになりました。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM YUさん  (time 3’33”)

++文法報告:by TM KK
Filler wordは散見されたが、大きくは気にならなかった。

++総合論評:by TM KY
初TMOEのTM HHさんは、例会を進めながら、進行に慣れてきていることが分かった。また、TM ONさんが、今夜の言葉の定義をゲストのために説明したことが良かった。論評者への論評として、以下の指摘が有りました。TM AOさんはスピーチの入り方のコツ、時間構成の指摘が有用で有った。TM KAさんはスピーカーのTM NSの見て欲しいところを適切に指摘していた。TM YUさんはタイトルの聴衆を引き込む効果という面白い観点の指摘をしえいた。改善点として、論評者全員が若干ながら時間オーバーで有った。

< 表彰 >
The Best Speaker: TM NS
The Best Evaluator: TM AO
The Best Table Topics :TM NK

by TM ON



定刻通り7:00pmにTITMC会長のTM MAさんが開会を宣言されました。

今夜の言葉は「滋味」との通達がTMOE ONよりTM NHに代わって示されました。


++準備スピーチ#1  TM HHさん   (time 6’30”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery,  Lv2 自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを理解する

タイトル 「課題の分離」

TM HHの職場にいるA君が報連相してこないことを、実際にあったやりとりを紹介されながら説明されました。対人関係の悩みに面した際、相手の課題か、自分の課題かを線引きすることで自分がコントロールできないストレスを軽減できるという内容でした。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KYさん  (time 2’15”)


Pathways: Visionary,  Lv3 ストーリーテリングを理解する

++準備スピーチ#2 TM MAさん   (time 6’47””)

タイトル 「Dear future, we are ready」


論評者(Evaluator)は TM AOさん  (time 3’15”)


++総合論評:by TM MK


[ English Session]

The word of the evening was “Relish” shared by TM ON instead of TM NH.

++Prepared Speech #1  by TM KK      (time: 7’11”)

Title: “four suggestions I couldn’t say”

TM KK made suggestions for important persons around her. 1. (for biological mother) you cooked meal every day. But dishes were same. 2. (for biological father) you eat cake for special occasion, but stop buying too many cakes. 3.(for mother in law) you are very kind but stop drinking too much. 4. (for father in law), you play with daughter but stop painting color box without permission. Based on her suggestions, she expressed love and appreciation for each one.

The Evaluator was TM JS (time: 3’26”)

TM JS mentioned 3 good points. 1.structure: very clear and understandable speech background, 2. getting audience interest: we can imagine what’s going on. 3. body language: speech technic was well managed. On the other hands, bigger gesture will make speech more exciting.

++Table Topics: by SE

SE took on role of TT in spite of short notice and gave us interesting questions.

 — topic—                —(Speaker)—       —(time)—   

Q1: If you are going to have a pet, Dog or Cat? And why?  (TM YU) (1’30”)

Q2: Which do you prefer Rice or bread for breakfast? And why? (TM KA) (2’10”)

Q3: Which is more valuable money or love for you? And why? (KK) (1’15”)

Q4: If you can go back to the past or go to future, which would you like to choose? (SO)   (1’37”)

Q5: Which do you think better to have own house or rental apartment? (TM AO)


++General Evaluation: by TM MK

Thank you TM SE, who kindly took on the role of TT in spite of short notice. Evaluation by JS was also great and convincing. Moving too much sometimes looks nervous though, it looks energetic and confidence.

Guest comment

This is 2nd time for him to join TM. Positive vibe from the class, higher level of speeches. Positively thinking about joining TM.

NH, AO, KK, KK, NH, NK, TM, MA, ON were awarded by TM for their contributions to TM.

Meeting was closed with positive atmosphere.

< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker: TM MA

The Best Evaluator: TM JS

The Best Table Topics :TM KK

参加者 会場:10名



by  TM SO

【第445回例会レポート (2024/01/10(水)19:00~21:00)】





準備スピーチ#1: 「せっかいとトウモロコシ」 TMSE


論評#1: TMHH


準備スピーチ#2: 「Think BIG !」 TMJS


論評#2: TMMA



<English Session>

The word of the evening, chosen by TMNS, was “Invincible”. It is also a powerful word, like “Toryumon”.

Prepared Speech#1: English rakugo “The first visit to Tenjin Shrine” TMKK

This was a self-project. It was a challenge to the rare English rakugo. It was a perfect story for the new year, depicting the funny interaction between a father and a son who go to Tenjin Shrine. She had to start over because of sound trouble, but she recovered quickly. It was an impressive performance with rakugo gestures. 

Evaluation#1: TMNK

TMNK mentioned the difficulty of performing rakugo in English, which requires knowledge of Japanese culture to understand.

Prepared Speech#2:  All You Need Is Laugh TMAO

It was another speech about laughter, based on the feedback from the previous speech. It was interesting to introduce various aspects of laughter, such as unexpected humor, ethnic jokes, and so on.

Evaluation#2: TMMK

TMMK took on the difficult mission of evaluating her mentor. She did not just praise him, but also pointed out his lack of eye contact. I was impressed by how calmly she observed him.

Best Evaluator: TMMK

Best Speaker: TMJS



【第444回例会レポート】( 2023/12/27(水)19:00~21:00)

Today’s TMOE was her first role, TM NS. She started the educational session without any problems.

【English session】

■The word of the day was introduced by TM TH. The word was “Glorious”-

■#1 How to Make a Persuasive Speech by TM MK

 TM MK delivered a sophisticated speech about learnings from the previous failure speech “Sumiko Grashi”. But I don’t think that her “Sumiko Grashi” speech was definitely  successful. In addition, her performance of Banana-venders was also amazing.

#1 evaluation by TM NH

■#2 The Runner’s Secret Weapon by TM KY

TM KY, a marathon runner, gave a wonderful speech about the secret weapon as a runner.

Thank you for your wonderful vocal variety. 

#2 evaluation by TM KA



■今夜の言葉 「年の瀬」by TM TH


■テーブルトピックス by TM HH

  TM HHはスピーカーをスマホのツールで決めるという新しい方法を試しました。予想外の人が当たったりして、おもしろい展開となりました。

Q1 今までやりたかったこと by ゲストさん


Q2  今年を一言で表すと by TM TM


Q3  今年の目標は? by ゲストさん 


Q4 失敗から学んだことは? by TM KA

Evaluator なのであたらない、と油断していたTM KAでしたが、そこはベテラン、ポジティブな対応に脱帽です。

Q5 来年、挑戦したいことは? by ゲストさん




会長のTM MAによる年末スペシャルで、今年を締めくくりました。





また、初TMOEのTM NSが初めてとは思えない見事な進行ぶりにみな驚いたと思います。

Best Speaker ・・・TM MK

Best Evaluator ・・・ TM KA

Best  Tabletopics Speaker ・・・TM TM


<By TM KK>

【第443回例会レポート( 2023/12/13(水)19:00~21:00)】

It was cloudy day but the temperature was not so cold as the middle of December.

Attendants:  Members -10 persons on site (Curian/Ohimachi)

                       -5persons on line

              Guest— – 1person (on site) 

[ English Session]

The president of TITMC TM MA declared the opening of the meeting on time.

Today’s TMOE was TM YU and was his first time for this roll.

The word of the evening was “Replenish” (= to fill something up again) presented by TM KM

++Prepared Speech #1  by TM AO      (time: 6’41”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery Level-1, Evaluation and Feedback

Title: “I Love To See You Smile”

TM AO started to explain that he would give 7 short funny stories

 And asked us to distinguish which were funny, not-funny or not-understandable by writing down the judgement sheet. The 7 short stories were all funny ones (for me), however, we would wait for TM AO’s feedback at next timing.

The Evaluator was TM NS (time: 2’15”)

TM NS pointed out that his speech style was very unique because he shared small sheet of paper to all audience to catch the attention. TM NS also commented that all short story was funny.

++Table Topics: by TM KI

TM KI talked about her favorite songs and the timing of this year, then, she gave the following 5topics(=questions)

 — topic—                —(Speaker)—       —(time)—   

Q1: True Friend             (TM HH)           (1’09”)

Q2: Failure turned out success experience (TM SE)   (2’09”)

Q3: Christmas memory    (Quest)             (1’16”)

Q4: Plan for Christmas    (TM KM)           (1’14”)

Q5: Christmas Dream     (TM KY)            (1’23”)

++ GRACO’s Report: by SO.

TM SO told that the usage of the word” suffering” by TM AO at his speech was impressive.

++General Evaluation: by TM KA


定刻7:05pmにTMOE YUさんが活動の再開を宣言されました。

今夜の言葉は英語と同等語である「満たす」との通達がTM KMより示されました。


++準備スピーチ#1  TM HHさん   (time 6’45”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery,  Lv1 リサーチとプレゼンテーション

タイトル 「光速を超えた先」

TM HHさんが技術系の人間であり技術の話にいつも興味持っている事。図書館に行って読んだ本や「量子テレポーション」に関する最新の研究の進み具合を話されました。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM MKさん  (time 3’23”)



++準備スピーチ#2 TM KKさん   (time 7’02””)

タイトル 「小遣いやろか」(独自スピーチ)

TM KKさんの子育ての実践のなかで経験された出来事を具体的に楽しく話されました。

具体的な例として 英単語1語につき10円とか、絵を描かせて小遣いを渡す等。


論評者(Evaluator)は TM ONさん  (time 3’05”)

TM KKさんがスピーチの入りの部分で前のスピーチが技術的で高尚だった点を上手く引き合いに出すテクニックを評価。又、話が「成功ケース」と「失敗ケース」として紹介した点が聴衆に分かり易さを与えたと評価しました。又、家庭内の話であるがビジネス等に拡がる普遍的な構成としてると。

++総合論評:by TM KA


終始 和やかな雰囲気で定刻(21:00)を迎え閉会となりました。   (TM SE)

< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker:    TM HH

The Best Evaluator:  TM MK

The Best Table Topics: TM SE

by  TM S.E. (Dec.18,2023)

【第441回例会レポート( 2023/11/22(水)19:00~21:00)】

The meeting started with greeting by our president TM M.A.

She mentioned today(11/22) was, in Japanese, いい夫婦の日, and started meeting with warm atmosphere.

Today’s TMOE was our Vice President Education, TM O.N.  He started the educational session referring to the opening comments from TM M.A

The word of the day was introduced by TM S.O.  The word was “Rewarding”

The 1st speaker was TM K.I. the speech was about Japanese ghost story.

She explained, in Japanese culture, ghost stories were a kind of entertainment in the history.  She started her story telling with picture of Katsushika Hokusai which shows ghost of “Kiku’s well”.  The storytelling was delivered with various tone of voice, and made us think the effect of ghost in our culture.

The next agenda was table topics.  We need to respond to impromptu questions from Table Topics master, TM N.H!!  She prepared several cards which show certain word and requested speakers to talk personal stories using words in the cards.

Q1 goes to our president, TM M.A., the word was “Motivation”

She made speech about how she and her husband strengthened the relationship and how it motivated her, which relates to the opening remarks of today’s meeting as a president!

Q2 goes to TM H.H., the word was “Ambition”

He made speech about his mindset to be a good speaker and why he joined toastmasters, and also from learning from YouTube.

Q3 goes to TM N.S., the word was “Skills”

She told about her honest feeling about her learning skills and talk about training about golf very smoothly.

Q4 goes to TM T.M., the word was “Personality”

He told he is not good at table topics even after long experiences in toastmasters and the reason why from his personality.

Q5 TM K.K., the word was “Best friends”

She told about the best friend who is always energetic and giving her energy, and planned travel with her to Hakodate next month.

The last agenda in English session was the evaluation by TM A.O. for TM K.I’s speech.

TM A.O. praised the choice of speech topic, effective visual of showing picture, and precise expressions during the speech.  And he suggests the effective use of script and tablet during the speech and more effective use of vocal variety.



#1 マジカルメンタリング TM MK


#2 洗濯物の山を制覇する TM KY



Best Speaker ・・・TM MK

Best Evaluator ・・・ TM AO

Best  Tabletopics Speaker ・・・TM TM
